USPS Update
Please be advised of the upcoming postal changes that are being implemented starting January 5, 2013. These changes will be required to receive automation letter discount rates.
A synopsis:
1. The maximum dimension for a letter size folded self-mailer will now be 6” x 10.5” (whereas previously it was 6.125” x 11.5”). This pertains to un-enveloped pieces. This does not pertain to cards, envelopes, booklet style pieces. Booklet style pieces have their own criteria. The minimum size remains unchanged at 3.5” x 5”
2. There will be a change as to how the letter size folded self-mailer can be wafer sealed. They will no longer be able to be wafer sealed on bottom, so the final fold will no longer be allowed on top. Hence, no wafers on bottom anymore. Oblong pieces will need the final fold on lead edge. The method to seal these pieces has changed. If using wafer seals, all pieces will require 2 non-perforated wafers on top. Up to 1 ounce can use 1” tabs but any piece over 1 ounce requires 1.5” tabs or larger dependent on mail piece. Glue dots, lines etc. are still able to be used and must meet their own requirements. If you are unsure of a design, Please allow enough time for your mail services dept. to have your design checked.
3. The old Post-net barcode will be officially replaced by the Intelligent Mail barcode, which Allied has already been using for 4 years. This pertains also to Business reply envelopes, BRC, etc. Please have all Business Reply designs converted to IMB by January 28, 2013
4. The USPS has also proposed a postal rate increase for early 2013 as well. More info to come on that as we get closer to date.
Stay tuned